Become a Member ???
  1. Registered Member: Holder of professional homeopathic practitioner diploma qualifications may apply. The applicant should
    1. complete and submit the application form
    2. referred by a registered member of HKAH with a written recommendation
    3. submitted a copy of the professional homeopathic practitioner diploma
    4. pay the annual fee
  2. Student Member: Any student of the relevant professional homeopathic diploma, or holder of relevant professional diploma, or relevant professional homeopathic diploma (not a qualification) may apply. The applicant should
    1. complete and submit the application form
    2. for student, submit a copy of the receipt of the relevant professional homeopathic course fees (for student case), or a copy of relevant professional diploma, or a copy of the relevant professional homeopathic diploma
    3. pay the annual fee
  3. Sponsor Member: Any person who is enthusiastic and support homeopathy, willing to appreciate or learn homeopathy may apply. The applicant should
    1. complete and submit the application form
    2. pay an annual fee


Application Form

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